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The 6 needs you need met in life. This episode is for anyone feeling stuck, lost, or not themselves. These are what we call the 6 human needs, we all have these 6 needs.  They have to power to create a fulfilled happy life when they are being met, but when one or more are lacking it can lead to us feeling off. Feeling something is up but not quite knowing what it is, perhaps it is due to one of these needs not being met.

The key take away is the fact we try get them all met in a healthy positive and balanced way. I also share tips around them so you can grasp how they effect us and what you should do when you realise whic one is missing or lacking in life.

The six human needs in no particular order: Certainty – Uncertainty – Connection – Significance – Growth – and for the sixth one you have to listen to the episode.

You can listen here or on iTUNES or SPOTIFY or PODBEAN

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